Wednesday, March 16, 2011

spring break

don't get me wrong. i love having a week off from school but all of this hanging out at home all day stuff is so bad for my diet! i just want to munch on everything in the house! i have blown it for the week i think!

on the upside, i have a lot of free time so i have been at the gym twice a day. maybe that will make up for the half a birthday cake and the bag of chips i downed. :)

oh well! i will try to be better tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

jeans :)

i went shopping today and decided to try on a cute pair of jeans. i normally would not buy jeans this time of year because they would just sit in my closet until november. it is too hot and i am addicted to dresses! but they were sooo cute, so i broke my rule and headed to the dressing room.

they were the last pair and a size 8. i am anywhere between a 6 and a 10, depending on the brand. i have tried on jeans of this brand before and i was always a 10, so when i saw the size i was not optimistic.

i put them on and didn't have to jump to pull them over my leg. good sign. they went over the bubble with no problem and as i zipped them up i thought, "yay!" i was so excited that i got them on that it took me about 30 seconds to notice that i could pull them out from my waist about an inch... i haven't been that smiley in quite a while. i took them off and gave them back to the attendant with a huge grin on my face. i told her they did not fit. :) i haven't said that and meant that something was too large in years. i walked to the car and immediately called zach. he just laughed and said, "did you not noticed that the pants you wore yesterday were too big?" what a boy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

things are changing!

i took my measurements again today... i was not feeling good about it because i didn't get good news last week but i got on the scale. my heart sunk immediately. my weight actually went up 2 lbs to 133. then i got out the tape measure. waist-29 hips-38.5. this part made my day! another inch down on my waist! i wish i had been smart enough to start watching what i ate a year ago! exercise is important but i am realizing quickly that diet is key. i am going to post another pic next week and hopefully you can all tell a difference. i can tell a little but my hips haven't changed much yet so the jeans still feel the same.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have a problem sticking to things that are hard. I did my measurements on Saturday and nothing has changed. I know that it is normal but I can't help but be a little discouraged. Normally when I get discouraged I throw in the towel and have a pie, but this time I talk myself down and decided to keep going. So, no pie for me. I will eat my apple and I will like it. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011


do any of you have people that you feel like you need to impress... for no apparent reason? or that are intimidating to you somehow?

i hate this feeling! and anytime i see one of these people i feel completely inadequate and awkward. just so we are clear, there are very few people who make me feel this way. i am a naturally awkward person so it is not unusual for me to clam up in social situations but there are just some people that make it so much worse. i envy people with great social skills!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Here it comes...

So the last time I wrote I promised pictures and measurements... I meant to do them the next day and my computer crashed. So I am a little behind but I will catch you up. When I started this 7 week adventure my weight was 135, waist - 31, hips - 39. It has been ten days since I started and my weight is now 131, waist - 30, hips - 38.5. I was so excited when I saw my waist measurement that I actually started jumping up and down in the middle of the gym! A whole inch.

I have been doing two-a-days at the gym and trying really hard to watch what I eat. The gym part is easy for me. It is fun and the girls love to go play so they talk me into going when I am having a low motivation day. I was getting bored with the treadmill so I tried Zumba last night. I don't sweat like that when I run. I think I am a convert.

The diet is the hard part. I LOVE FOOD! Self control is not my strong suit in this aspect of my life. I am particulary fond of cupcakes... and pie... and ice cream. So I decided to try eating healthy foods for 6 days a week and having 1 day that I can eat anything I want. So far it has helped me to not eat stuff that I only kinda like because I know that from Saturday noon to Sunday noon I can eat something REALLY yummy. You may be wondering, "why two half days?" It isn't some scientific reason. Sunday morning brunch is a must and I have to have cinnamon sugar pancakes.

That is all for now. I take my measurements again on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed!