Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy 6th anniversary!

I know 6 years sounds like a long time to some people but it has gone so fast! I have had so much fun with Zach! He is ridiculous and makes my life so fun. I love the person he has become and the father he is to our kids. He is a great dad! These girls are so lucky! He has helped me in countless ways, from being able to talk to people without having a panic attack to teaching me how to use power tools. He is amazing and I just wanted everyone else to know it.

Monday, October 12, 2009


what to do? what to do?
anyone have any suggestions for cute and very cheap halloween costumes? i don't know if i have it in me to make them this year. we were thinking we would have the girls go as cowgirls and have jax be a horse, but he won't be going out with us so it would really only be for pictures. i still think i would be cute and the pictures would be so fun! the other idea was for kaide to be a princess and everly to be a pea, but i just can't decide!